Last Updated August 7, 2021
This Disclosure Policy is to inform you about specific information you may find on Boss Brilliance (the “Site”). We are based outside the United States, though the Site has readers from all over the world.
The information you see on the Site may be due to compensation or other business relationships; that we reserve the right to edit comments and information provided by users and third-parties; and that any health or nutritional information provided is solely as a courtesy. In addition, while we may be enthusiasts of the products or services found on the Site, it is up to you to use your best judgment and knowledge before buying or using anything you find on the Site. In addition, even if specific safety measures or concerns are not presented you are still responsible for exercising safe and legal handling of any products or services you may acquire based on information received from this Site
Comments are not a requirement for accessing any of the content found on the Site, so it may be that there are no comments on particular post. All comments made on this Site are subject to the Site Privacy Policy. User and other third-party submitted content and/or links may be changed, altered, or modified at any time in the sole and absolute discretion of Boss Brilliance or its representatives.
All content, including photographs and videos, created by Boss Brilliance is subject to copyright restrictions. If you’d like to share any of the content from the Site please do so through the share features enabled on the post. We have tried to make it easy for you to share our posts on social media. In addition, we often have available the option to email or print the article for your personal use only.
We ask that if you wish to repost or reproduce any content that you please contact us to find out about our licensing service.
The content on Boss Brilliance is designed to be generally applicable to all businesses. However, employment and labor laws can vary depending on where your business is physically located or where your company may be formed. Please consult with an attorney or employment expert in your state or province before relying on any information provided on this Site.
Information contained on or made available through the Boss Brilliance Site is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice, recommendations, mediation, or counseling under any circumstance. The Site and your use thereof do not create a consultant-client relationship. We do not warrant or guarantee the accurateness, completeness, adequacy or currency of the information contained in or linked to on the Site. Your use of information on the Site or materials linked to on the Site is entirely at your own risk.
We may make available through the Site sample forms, checklists, business documents and human resources documents (collectively, “Documents”). All Documents are provided on a non-exclusive license basis. Documents are provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to their suitability, legal effect, completeness, currentness, accuracy, and/or appropriateness. The documents are provided “as is”, “as available”, and with “all faults”, and Boss Brilliance and any provider of the documents disclaim any warranties, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.